
  • Enabled - Enable / Disable Boost ability
  • Force Multiplier - The amount of boost to add when fully charged and released
  • Time To Full Charge - The time in seconds to fully charge a boost
  • Require Full Charge - If enabled, the boost ability will only apply boost if it is fully charged, when disabled a partial boost can be applied
  • Charge Released Audio - The sound to play when a boost charge is released
  • Charge Released Volume - The volume scale of the charge released audio
  • Charging Audio - The sound to play while charging the boost
  • Charging Volume - The volume scale of the charging audio
  • Min Charging Pitch - The minimum pitch of the boost based on current charge amount
  • Max Charging Pitch - The maximum pitch of the boost based on current charge amount
  • Full Charge Pitch - The pitch of the charging audio when fully charged