Require New Button Press - Require a new button press when grappling
Max Distance - The max distance b/w the player and a grappling object to engage
Line Start Point - The starting point for the line to project from
Strength - The strength of the spring or how hard the player is pulled towards the grapple object
Damper - Amount that the spring strength is reduced when active
Mass Scale - The mass scale of the spring joint
Aim Assist Radius - The radius for aim assist, a value of 0 requires a direct hit
Line - The line renderer used to draw the grappling line
Movement Force - The force to add to the player while swinging and applying movement
Max Speed - The max speed the player can move while swinging
Max Height Reduction Force - The force reduction applied when the player becomes parallel with the grapple point. Used to keep player from swinging too high.
Max Height Reduction Time - The time / frames to spread the max height force reduction over
Allow Air Control - When the player releases the swing, should the player be allowed to control movement during flight
Air Control Multiplier - The amount of air control if air control is allowed when the swing is released
Audio - The audio to play when grapple is initiated
Audio Volume - The volume scale of the grapple audio