Ball Jump Force - The jump force when the control mode is Ball.
Wheel Jump Force - The jump force when the control mode is Wheel.
Continual Force Multiplier - The additional force to add each frame of a jump while the jump button is held for the duration of the continual force time. Set to zero to disable.
Continual Force Time - The length of time the continual force multiplier should last for each jump
Ball Slope Jump Force - The jump force when on a slope and slope jump mode is set to away from slope and the control mode is Ball.
Wheel Slope Jump Force - The jump force when on a slope and slope jump mode is set to away from slope and the control mode is Wheel.
Slope Jump Continual Force Multiplier - The additional force to add each frame of a jump while the jump button is held for the duration of the continual force time when slope mode is set to away from slope. Set to zero to disable.
Slope Jump Continual Force Time - The length of time the continual force multiplier should last when slope slope jump mode is set to away from slope
Coyote Time - The time to still be able to jump when not grounded from a platform
Allow Jump Above Max Slope - Enable / Disable jumping when on a slope greater than the current control's max slope angle
Jump Ceiling Force Reduction - When a player jumps and hits the ceiling, the forces that are created in the opposite direction are high, enable this to reduce force
Ceiling Hit Reduction Multiplier - If Jump Ceiling Force Reduction is enabled, this is the amount to reduce force by
Slope Jump Mode - When the player is on a slope, should the jump go in the current player direction or away from the slope
Magnet Jump Enabled - Enable / Disable jumping away from wall / ceiling in magnet mode
Magnet Jump Force - The jump force applied when in magnet mode if magnet jump is enabled
Landed Audio - The sound to play after landing from a jump. Leave empty for no sound
Landed Audio Volume - The volume scale of the jump landed sound