Projectile Camera

These settings allow you to provide some control over the Projectile Camera. This camera is active when the player is shooting, grappling, or boost jumping.

  • Enabled - Enable / Disable the projectile camera.
  • Use Toggle - By default the projectile camera is only active while left shift or the projectile camera button is held down. If you would prefer to use a toggle instead of requiring the button to be held down, then enable this.
  • Active During Grapple Swing - By default when a grapple swing is activated, the camera will switch back to Free look. If you want to stay in projectile mode, enable this.
  • Active During Grapple Hook - By default when a grapple hook is activated, the camera will switch back to Free look. If you want to stay in projectile mode, enable this.
  • Active During Boost Jump - By default when a boost jump is activated, the camera will switch back to Free look. If you want to stay in projectile mode, enable this.
  • Vertical Rotation Speed - The vertical rotation sensitivity.
  • Invert Vertical Rotation - Invert Y Axis when rotating camera.
  • Horizontal Rotation Speed - The horizontal rotation sensitivity.
  • Invert Horizontal Rotation - Invert X Axis when rotating camera.