Free Look Camera Settings

These settings allow you to provide some control over the Free Look Camera. The free look camera is the default camera that is used when no special ability is active.

  • Enabled - Enable / Disable the freelook camera rotation ability, this doesn't enable or disable the camera itself, just the ability to be able to rotate it.
  • Require Button Hold - Require holding a button to use free look, default is left mouse button. Should probably be enabled for a mouse and disabled for a gamepad
  • Distance Damp Time - The damping used when adjusting the vertical and leading distance
  • Stationary Vertical Distance - The vertical distance of the camera when the player is stationary
  • Stationary Leading Distance - The leading distance of the camera when the player is stationary
  • Moving Vertical Distance - The vertical distance of the camera when the player is moving
  • Moving Leading Distance - The leading distance of the camera when the player is moving
  • Max Speed Vertical Distance - The vertical distance of the camera when player is at max speed
  • Max Speed Leading Distance - The leading distance of the camera when the player is at max speed
  • Vertical Rotation Speed - The vertical rotation sensitivity when the player manually adjusts the camera rotation
  • Invert Vertical Rotation - Invert Y Axis when rotating camera.
  • Horizontal Rotation Speed - The horizontal rotation sensitivity when the player manually adjusts the camera rotation
  • Invert Horizontal Rotation - Invert X Axis when rotating camera.