Sphere Player

The sphere player settings are only used to set the ground check parameters.

  • GroundCheckRadiusMultiplier - The amount to multiply the sphere's radius by to check for ground
  • GroundCheckDistance - The distance the sphere cast should travel to check for ground
  • FpsCamMagnetCheckDistance - Only needed if magnet mode and fps camera are assigned to the same button. The distance to check for a magnet layer to prevent the fps camera from taking over during magnet mode.
  • FpsCameraEnabled - Enable / Disable the fps camera option
  • RotateCameraEnabled - Enable / Disable the rotate camera option
  • MaximumSpeedAllowCameraRotate - The maximum speed for the sphere while still being allowed to use the camera rotate ability
  • MaximumSpeedAllowFpsCamera - The maximum speed for the sphere while still being allowed to use the fps camera ability
  • MinimumSphereFadeDistance - The minimum distance b/w the camera and the sphere where the sphere will become transparent
  • SphereFadedMaterial - The material to apply to the sphere to make it transparent