Free Look Camera Settings

These settings allow you to provide some control over the Free Look Camera.

  • Enabled - Enable / Disable the freelook camera rotation ability, this doesn't enable or disable the camera itself, just the ability to be able to rotate it.
  • RequireButtonHold - Require holding a button to use free look, default is left mouse button. Should probably be enabled for a mouse and disabled for a gamepad
  • DistanceDampTime - The damping used when adjusting the vertical and leading distance
  • StationaryVerticalDistance - The vertical distance of the camera when the player is stationary
  • StationaryLeadingDistance - The leading distance of the camera when the player is stationary
  • MovingVerticalDistance - The vertical distance of the camera when the player is moving
  • MovingLeadingDistance - The leading distance of the camera when the player is moving
  • MaxSpeedVerticalDistance - The vertical distance of the camera when player is at max speed
  • MaxSpeedLeadingDistance - The leading distance of the camera when the player is at max speed
  • VerticalRotationSpeed - The vertical rotation sensitivity when the player manually adjusts the camera rotation
  • InvertVerticalRotation - Invert Y Axis when rotating camera.
  • HorizontalRotationSpeed - The horizontal rotation sensitivity when the player manually adjusts the camera rotation
  • InvertHorizontalRotation - Invert X Axis when rotating camera.